都市内移動とエネルギー消費に対する都市環境の影響要因 : 福岡市を対象として

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  • Maharjan Sarita
    九州大学大学院人間環境学府空間システム専攻 : 博士後期課程
  • 鶴崎 直樹
    九州大学大学院人間環境学研究院都市・建築学部門 : 准教授
  • Divigalpitiya Prasanna
    九州大学大学院人間環境学研究院都市・建築学部門 : 准教授


  • The Effect Factors of Built Environment on Travel Behavior and Travel Energy Consumption : A Case Study of Fukuoka City



The goal of this study is to provide additional insights to the linkages between built environment, travel behavior(travel purpose and travel mode choice) and travel energy consumption for reducing transportation related fuel consumption and emissions. This paper applies Linear Regression Model(LRM) analysis to examine the influence of built environment attributes; "5Ds"(Density, Diversity, Design, Destination accessibility and Distance to transit) and socio-demography on non-motorized travel, motorized travel and energy consumption for five different travel purposes( work, study, business, private and return home) at both trip origin and trip destination. The analysis result shows that people travel a long distance for work and private purpose whereas for business purpose they travel a shorter distance. The result identifies that increase of travel energy consumption is mainly due to work trip. Reduction of energy consumption is found possible even though work origin is far from CBD; by promoting higher density(D 1) and better transit accessibility(D5) at work origin. Also, found that higher land use mix(D3) at work destination has no direct effect on energy consumption but has direct effects on the increase of non-motorized travel which ultimately effect indirectly on travel energy consumption reduction .


  • 都市・建築学研究

    都市・建築学研究 32 7-16, 2017-07-15


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