

  • 繊維産業都市桐生市の構造変化と今後の発展に向けての分析視角
  • センイ サンギョウ トシ キリュウシ ノ コウゾウ ヘンカ ト コンゴ ノ ハッテン ニ ムケテ ノ ブンセキ シカク




After the Second World War, the Kiryu textile production region developed as a production center and exporter of textiles. Kiryu then underwent great changes caused by various events including the Textile Industry Problem between Japan and the United States and the Nixon Shock. It is known that during the same period, the neighboring regions of Isesaki, Ota, Tatebayashi, Ashikaga, and Sano were quick to attract automotive and electrical industrial factories. However, Kiryu was able to undergo only a small degree of industrial development. This difference was due to geographical constraints of Kiryu, and the influences of the formerly powerful fiber production industry. This historical difference is the cause of the modern challenges to Kiryu City’s industrial development. These points will be further researched to present the current condition of Kiryu City’s industry and challenges for future industrial development. This paper will analyze the current condition of industry in Kiryu City and determine analytical perspectives for future research.

Ⅰ 桐生市産業の変遷と現在の基本的特質1.工業統計調査からみた桐生市産業の変貌2.桐生市繊維関連団体データからみえてくる特徴3.周辺3市域からみえてくる現桐生市域の特徴Ⅱ 桐生市産業の発展の歩みと諸課題1.和装織物業の挑戦2.アパレル産業を構成する桐生繊維企業の取り組み3.その他の繊維関連企業4.工業団地に立地する機械金属工業等Ⅲ 地域産業の発展に向けての分析視角1.和装織物企業の発展課題と産地問題の行方2.日本アパレル産業と桐生繊維産業の比較分析3.地域産業の発展に向けての立地政策の課題


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