中国における障害者運動の展開と課題 - ある障害当事者団体の事例から -

DOI 機関リポジトリ オープンアクセス


  • Development and Issues of Disability Movement in China A Case of a Disabled Persons’ Organization


障害者権利条約が国連において採択されて以来,障害者に対する差別の解消と障害者の権利擁護は着実に前進してきたが,そこに至るまでには,障害当事者の運動が大きな役割を果たしてきた.中国は障害者権利条約をいち早く批准したが,中国における障害当事者の活動はどのような役割を果たしたであろうか. 本論文では,中国における障害当事者の活動の展開を後づけ,障害者の権利を守るために,どのような成果を上げ,今後どのようなことが課題となるかについて検討した.最初に,障害者の運動がどのようなものであり,どのような意味を有しているのかについて述べ,イギリスとアメリカ,そして日本の障害者運動について確認した.つぎに,中国における障害者運動の展開過程を分析した.その際に,わたしたちが聞き取り調査を実施したワンプラスワンの活動に注目し,そこから中国の障害者がおかれてきた状況について考察した.それらの結果から,中国における障害者の運動がもたらした成果と今後の課題について検討した.最後に中国における障害当事者活動の特徴を指摘した.

Since the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the resolution of discrimination against people with disabilities and advocacy of the rights of persons with disabilities have steadily advanced. The movements of persons with disabilities has played a major role. China ratified the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities as soon as possible, but what role did the activities of persons with disabilities in China have played? In this paper, we described the progress on the development of activities of persons with disabilities in China, what kind of results were made to protect the rights of persons with disabilities, and what kind of issues will be the future have been discussed. At first, we discussed the movement of people with disabilities and its meanings, and the movements in the U. S., the U. K., and Japan have been confirmed. Then we focus on the development of the movement in China. We conducted the interview survey to One Plus One and examined the situation of the people with disabilities in China. Based on these results, we examined the achievements and challenges of disabled people 's movements in China. Finally, the characteristics of the movement in China have been pointed out.




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