

  • インド ニ オケル インフラ セイビ ト ソノ ファイナンス ニ ツイテ
  • Infrastructure Development and Financing in India




According to Global Competitiveness Reports from the World Economic Forum, India’s ranking in infrastructure development has been steadily rising recently. India also has the best transport infrastructure among countries with similar income levels. However, the implementation of infrastructure projects has drastically declined in recent years. One reason for this is that the framework of public-private partnerships has many problems and the efficiency of project implementation cannot be ensured. Another reason is that India’s infrastructure financing has various problems, too. Therefore, in order to revitalize infrastructure investment, it has become urgent to improve the framework of PPPs and expand infrastructure financing methods. In India, infrastructure financing is mostly provided by the banks, but, in recent years, the problem of the non-performing loans in the public sector banks has become very serious. This problem has to be solved, and other means of financing have to be developed to restore infrastructure investment. Among other methods, the most important is the issuance of bonds. In particular, the development of a corporate bond market is indispensable. In addition, the expansion of external financing, such as support from multilateral development banks, should also be effective. In this situation, Japan’s infrastructure export strategy could contribute to the economic development of India.


  • 経済志林

    経済志林 85 (4), 573-600, 2018-03-23


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