The Reality of the Teaching Practice System in Italy:A Research Report on a Japanese–Italian Comparative Study on Teacher Training



This paper examines the types of new teachers Italy is attempting to train. Research is based on the results of questionnaire surveys targeting senior-year students aiming to become teachers by confirming the problems and the state of the educational field training program in the period when individuals who had received training in the new system began to graduate. Many Scienze della Formazione Primaria (SFP) and Tirocinio Formativo Attivo (TFA) students were aware that they had obtained the attitude of a teacher, the ability to manage classes, and the ability to teach classes. In addition, there were many students who became able to think critically about things and reflect on implementation. The current educational field training program is believed to have achieved certain results in the training of teachers as reflective practitioners who have acquired practical guidance abilities. We can see a shift away from teacher training strongly weighted towards theory. On the other hand, it can be seen from the requests of the students that there are clear issues for the educational field training program as well. More than 80% of students held the opinion that more communication with guiding teachers and children was necessary. In addition, many students are seeking to increase their class hours and their chances to hold experimental classes and it is believed that the quality and quantity of experiences at schools must be made more fulfilling. In addition, many students felt that support was needed to relate implementation to knowledge and skills learned at university and it is probably necessary to build a system which organically connects the field study experiences of students at schools with learning at university.

本論文では,新システムで養成教育を受けた者が輩出され始めた時期における教育実習プログラムの現状と課題を,教職を目指す最終学年の学生を対象とした質問紙調査の結果から確認することを通して,イタリアでどのような新しい教師を養成しようとしているのかということについて検討した。 その結果,次のことが明らかになった。 幼稚園・小学校教員志望の学生と中等教育学校教員志望の学生ともに,授業力,学級経営力,教師としての態度を修得したと認識している者が多い。また,実践を振り返ったり,ものごとを批判的に捉えたりできるようになっている者も多い。実践的な指導力を身につけた反省的実践家としての教師を養成するという点において,現在の教育実習プログラムは一定の成果のあるものとなっていると推察される。理論的比重の高い教員養成からの転換を読み取ることができるだろう。 一方,学生の要望から教育実習プログラムの課題も窺えた。指導教員や子どもとのコミュニケーションを増やすことが必要であるという意見を持っている学生は8割以上おり,また,授業時間や実験的な授業を行う機会を増やすことを求めている学生も多く,学校現場での経験の量と質をさらに充実させることが必要であると考えられる。また,大学で学習した知識・技術と実践を関連づけるサポートの必要性を感じている者も多く,大学での学習と学校現場での実習経験を学生に有機的に繋げさせるシステムを構築することが必要なのかもしれない。


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