[CMJ要旨] 胸腺内T細胞分化制御機構


  • [JAPANESE SUMMARY FOR CHIBA MEDICAL JOURNAL] The basis of T cell development and lineage choice in the thymus




[要旨] 胸腺はT細胞の唯一の分化の場である。胸腺内T細胞分化の破綻は,重篤な免疫不全,並びに自己免疫疾患の発症に直結する。胸腺内T細胞分化機構の研究は,すべての獲得免疫応答の基礎の理解につながることから,その緻密な分子機構を解明しようと,これまで多くの免疫学者が切磋琢磨して研究を行ってきた。T細胞前駆細胞である未熟胸腺細胞は,遺伝子再構成によって1018乗にも及ぶTCR レパトアを形成する。形成されたレパトアの中には自己反応性T細胞や,自己のMHCを認識できない細胞も含まれており,これらの細胞を上手に除去しながら,胸腺は,MHC-I 拘束性のTCR を有する細胞はCD8T細胞へ,MHC-II 拘束性のTCR を有する細胞はCD4T細胞へと分化させる。では,なぜ1018乗にも及ぶTCR レパトアを形成しているにも関わらず,T細胞は正しい運命決定をすることが可能なのだろうか? 本稿では,その点に着目し,胸腺内におけるCD4/CD8T細胞の運命決定機構の最新の知見を概説するとともに,MHC-I 依存的なCD8T細胞分化が正しく行われるための新しい分子機構について紹介する。

[SUMMARY] The thymus is the only organ that produces T cells where immature thymocytes are properly educated and make the correct decision to become appropriate lineage T cells such as CD4+ or CD8+ T cells. This process is referred to as‘ lineage choice’. Failure in T cell development and/or lineage choice is a direct cause of severe immunodeficiency and/or severe autoimmune disorders. Thus, it is extremely important to understand the molecular mechanisms of thymocyte development and lineage choice and many immunologists have studied this issue intensively. A diverse TCR repertoire( nearly 1018) is generated by TCR gene rearrangement in immature thymocytes. It contains autoreactive T cells as well as useless T cells that cannot recognize self-MHC molecules. These useless T cells are negatively selected( i.e. clonal deletion), and only cells that moderately recognize self-MHC molecules are positively selected. These processes are termed negative and positive selection. Positively selected cells further differentiate into either CD4T cells or CD8T cells, depending on their specificity to MHC-II or MHC-I respectively. How can the lineage choice of T cells, which have a huge TCR repertoire, be properly determined during their development? In this review, I will update the recent understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the CD4/CD8 lineage choices in the thymus and explain the mechanisms of error-free MHC-I-dependent CD8 T cell development.


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