

  • フカンヨウ シャカイ オ カンサツ スル/フカンヨウ ニ カンサツ スル シャカイ
  • Observing Intolerant Society, Intolerantly Observing Society



日本では近年,不寛容が広がりつつあると言われている.不寛容社会という言葉が使 われることもある.本論文は,社会が不寛容になっているか否かを検証したり,社会の不寛容さを道徳的・倫理的見地から嘆いたり非難したりするものではない.本論文で問うのは,不寛容社会が「どのように観察されているか」である.そしてこのことを通じて,近代化や文明化のもつパラドクシカルな性質を扱うための一般的な枠組を探究する.そのためにここでは,社会を一種の観察者として把握し,その観察の仕方を問う「セカンド・オーダーの観察」の視座に立つ.ここから,次のようなことが言える:

まず,社会の不寛容さは寛容/不寛容の区別を用いることで観察されており,その背 景には「文明化した社会は寛容であるべきだ」という考えが隠されていることがわかる.




Japan as a whole seems to have gained a reputation as a safe and secure place. However at the same time a tendency of increasing intolerance has been regarded as problematic in Japan. Recently such tendency has begun to be called under the expression “intolerant society”.

“Intolerant society” can be applied not only to Japan but also to the rest of the world. However, remarkably in Japan’s case both people’s kindness and intolerance are observed at the same time. It seems to be paradoxical.

The aim of this paper is to explore a better “general” framework to understand these paradoxical features of modernization and/or civilization through a case study of Japan. For this purpose we use the theory of “observing systems” as a clue. From this viewpoint, we submit some findings summarized as follows:

Firstly, sociologists had better distinguish between society itself and a society’s description of itself. What we have to focus on is the latter. Then we can understand that the intolerance of society is observed through using the distinction between tolerance and intolerance. Behind the distinction, an idea is hidden, that is: civilized society should be tolerant.

Secondly, from a sociological viewpoint, we should rather understand the rise of intolerance inside society as a consequence of the civilizing process itself.

Lastly, we can find the mechanism of this paradoxical consequence, such as how the pursuit of civilization tends to produce the reverse consequence. It relates to the description of society. For example, Japan is not so safe or secure because it is so well-civilized that irritations or frustrations are intensively concentrated in certain places, such as classrooms, workplaces, local communities and families, as a result of the encouragement of self-restraint.

We conclude that both a favorable and unfavorable description of society is not adequate as a sociological framework to observe society because it brings paradoxical images of society. Furthermore, unfavorable consequence would be amplified because of the positive feedback mechanism of societal self-description.


  • 東京女子大学社会学年報

    東京女子大学社会学年報 6 47-54, 2018-03-02


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