暖地向け緑茶用極早生品種 'しゅんたろう' の育成とその特性


  • 'Shuntaro', a New Extremely Early Budding Green Tea Cultivar (Camellia sinensis) Suitable for a Warm Region
  • ダンチ ムケ リョクチャヨウキョク ワセ ヒンシュ'シュンタロウ'ノ イクセイ ト ソノ トクセイ



A new tea cultivar 'Shuntaro' has bred at Makurazaki branch of Vegetable and Tea Science (NIVTS) of National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO), and an application for registration had been published in 29 Jun 2009. 'Shuntaro' is an extremely early budding cultivar like a 'Kuritawase', and is resistance to anthracnose (Discula theae-sinensis (I. Miyake) Moriwaki & Toy. Sato comb. nov.) and gray blight (Pestalotiopsis longiseta (Spegazzini) Dai & Kobayashi). The quality for green tea of 'Shuntaro' is equal or above in comparison with 'Kuritawase', and the yield of 'Shuntaro' is more than 'Kuritawase'. Early budding cultivars are advantageous in warm regions. An extremely early budding cultivar is particularly advantageous in warmer area like Tanegashima in Kagoshima prefecture. So, 'Kuritawase' has become important cultivar in Tanegashima. However, many tea fields of 'Kuritawase' have become old, and productivity is falling. Replanting of 'Kuritawase' is difficult because growth is slowly and vigor is weak. 'Shuntaro' is the extremely early budding cultivar that can take the place of 'Kuritawase'.


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