

  • Dietary value of marine microalgae for the growth of Japanese pearl oyster Pinctada fucata martensii after nucleus implantation
  • ヨウジョウ アコヤガイ ノ セイチョウ ニ タイスル ビサイ ソウルイ ノ キュウジ コウカ




真珠養殖用に挿核施術されたアコヤガイに対し,陸上飼育槽内で餌料用微細藻類を給餌して飼育し,天然海域で養生される個体との体重増加率,体内の栄養状態について比較を行った。15日間の養生期間後に,各試験区の体重増加率を測定したところ,陸上水槽内でRhodomonas sp. を与えた試験区で最も高い体重増加率が得られた。一方,同じ飼育条件であってもT. tetrathele を与えられた試験区では体重増加率は低く,天然海域で飼育された養生貝よりも成長率が低い結果が得られた。飼育試験終了後に各試験区の養生貝についてタンパク質含量,脂肪酸組成分析を行ったところ,両成分ともに天然海域で飼育された養生貝で最も高く,次いでRhodomonas sp. を与えた試験区で高い値が得られた。本試験より,陸上水槽での養生であっても餌料価値の高い微細藻類を給餌することで,天然海域での養生個体と同等かそれ以上の成長率が得られることが明らかとなった。

Effects of feeding microalgae in land-based cultivation on growth of Japanese pearl oyster implanted with a nucleus were examined. Pearl oysters had been implanted with nuclei, then kept for 15 days in land-based tanks. Two kinds of microalgae were fed to oysters during the experimental period, which were compared with oysters reared in natural condition in terms on a growth performance and chemical compositions in the bodies. As a result of rearing experiments, the highest weight gain rate of 107.4% was obtained from the oysters fed Rhodomonas sp., which was similar to that reared in natural condition. On the other hand, the growth performances of oysters fed Tetraselmis tetrathele were low compared to others even though it had been reared in the same environmental condition as the other. The highest nutritional status at protein (%) and HUFA (area%) were obtained from oysters reared in natural conditions, which were 65.6 ± 0.4% and 30.9 ± 0.2 area% respectively. However, the highest HUFA concentration of 30.4 ± 0.8 area% was obtained from oysters fed Rhodomonas sp.. In conclusion, we indicated a possibility that pearl oyster immediately after implantation of nuclei was able to be cultivated easily and stably as well as that reared in natural condition by land-based cultivation method using microalgae that have a high nutritive value.


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