

  • Document creation and management by Japanese trading company in prewar period: the example of Mitsui bussan
  • 戦前期における日系商社の文書作成と管理 : 三井物産を事例に
  • センゼンキ ニ オケル ニッケイ ショウシャ ノ ブンショ サクセイ ト カンリ : ミツイ ブッサン オ ジレイ ニ




企業が営利活動を展開するとき、そこには多数の人々、部署がかかわり、文書あるいは口頭、公式あるいは非公式に多様な情報がやり取りされる。本稿で取り上げた三井物産は、すでに1880年代には本店への報告体制が確立され、「考課状」(業務報告書)が支店から本店に輻輳された。つまり、三井物産の設立当初から、文書が本支店間で無秩序に文書が移動していたのではなく、規則にもとづき送達された。その規則がどのように整備され、問題点を含んでいたのかを解明することが、本稿の主たる課題である。三井物産が誕生したのは1876(明治9)年であり、翌年からアジア・ヨーロッパの主要都市に拠点を整備していく。そこで本店は、店舗が送付する考課状を通して取引情報を獲得するほか、月次統計の活用を試みた。しかし、報告書とくに統計の作成をめぐり意見はことごとく対立し、すこしでも事務負担を軽減したい店舗側は強硬に反対し、最終的に本店が年次統計の提出を求めて、おおむね理解をえた。 ところで、日露戦後~大戦景気前後に広範囲に店舗が新設されると、本店は文書管理に力をそそいだ。「各店発行諸報告書一覧表」を作成し、店舗が作成すべき文書名、提出先と時期を明確にしめしたのである。このように、商社研究において蓄積が乏しい文書管理について検討したが、現場で生成・活用された記録類が、どのように「三井文庫」に移管されたのかなど、考察をとおして新たな課題もみえてきた。 When a company develops a profit-making activity, it involves a large number of people and departments and various information is exchanged in documents or orally, officially or informally between them. Mitsui bussan, we discussed in this article, had already established a reporting system to the head office in the 1880s. Back then, Kōka-jō, business reports, sent from the branches were concentrated in the head office. Since the beginning of the establishment of Mitsui bussan, the documents were sent based on rules, rather than disorderly, between the head office and the branches. This article reveals how rules were constructed and what kind of problems occurred. Mitsui bussan was established in 1876 (Meiji 9), and since the following year it had extended his business by placing its bases in major cities in Asia and Europe. As the number of branches increased, the head office attempted to utilize monthly statistics, in addition to acquiring transaction information through Kōka-jō sent by the branches. However, concerning the preparation of the report, in particular the creation of statistics report, the head office and the branches disagreed each other. The branches opposed to preparing the statistics report in branches because they wanted to reduce the burden of doing paperwork as much as possible. Ultimately, the head office asked the branches for submitting an annual statistics report instead of a monthly statistics report, and the branches accepted the alternative. Many stores were newly established in a wide range of areas between the post-Russo-Japanese War and around the boom after the Great War, and so the head office worked on the document management more than ever. The head office created a “table of reports produced by each branch” and clarified the name of the document to be created by each branch, the destination, and also the timing. As discussed above, we have examined documents management with poor accumulation in trading company research. Through these studies, we found new issues such as how the records that were created and utilized on site were transferred to the Mitsui Bunko.


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