金融危機後のIASBの変化 : 2つの正統性の視点から


  • キンユウ キキ ゴ ノ IASB ノ ヘンカ : 2ツ ノ セイトウセイ ノ シテン カラ
  • キンユウ キキゴ ノ IASB ノ ヘンカ フタツ ノ セイトウセイ ノ シテン カラ



1 問題の所在 : 2008年に生じた世界的金融危機において、IASB(International Accounting Standards Board : 国際会計基準審議会)はIAS39号およびIFRS7号について、デュー・プロセスを経ずに改訂を行った。このことが IASBの正統性を棄損したことは、森(2015)で検討したとおりである。……

Several changes in the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) are evident since the 2008 financial crisis. For example, on the organizational front, the IASB built a mechanism with the involvement of numerous stakeholders (groups), while on the procedural front, its stance emphasizes due process. On the other hand, its retreat from insistence on the application of fair value accounting is evident. This study takes two legitimacies employed in previous EU-related research as its analytical perspective. Since the financial crisis, the IASB retreated from its original claims and is moving its central focus of standards development to coordination with various countries and groups. As the number of concerned groups expands, the IASB encountered prolonged standards development, with a resulting risk of reduced output in terms of its legitimacy. That is to say, the IASB may potentially fall into the same dilemma as the EU.


  • 経営研究

    経営研究 70 (1), 57-70, 2019-05-31


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