

  • トヤマシ サンガクイキ シゼン チョウサ ホウコク(2018)
  • Research report of nature in mountain region in Toyama City (2018)



The geology, topology, fauna, and flora of the alpine and subalpine zone between Shinhodaka and Suisho-dake in Toyama, Gifu and Nagano Prefecture were researched. Andesite lavas with platy joint at Warimo-dake and Suisho-dake were recognized. Rock crystals and andradite were collected in the cirque of Suisho-dake. Nine species of Macro-invertebrate animals, mainly insects, were observed during the research. Among them, Chorthippus kiyosawai is the species inhabiting only in the Hida mountain range in Japan. There is a possibility that Nebria sp., one of the hymenopteran insects and Meghimatium fruhstorferi are new species. Rana tagoi tagoi were observed at an altitude of 2,400 m in Kurobe River headwaters area. This is one of the highest altitude records in Japan. And more than 710 distributional data of plant were extracted from Exif information of photographs.

富山県,岐阜県,長野県の新穂高〜水晶岳の高山帯・亜高山帯において,(1)地質・地形,(2)動物,(3)植物の調査を行った.(1)地質・地形では,板状節理が発達する安山岩溶岩をワリモ岳及び水晶岳で確認し,水晶岳のカールで水晶と灰鉄ざくろ石を採取した.(2)動物では,9種の無脊椎動物(昆虫及びナメクジ),弓折岳付近でライチョウを,黒部源流域の標高2,400 m付近でタゴガエルを確認した.タゴガエルは国内のカエル類確認記録の中でも最高標高の部類に入るものである.(3)植物は,約570枚の写真ファイルのEXIF情報から,約710件の植物分布情報を得た.


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