大縄オーケストラ : 身体動作と音楽を融合したインタラクティブシステムの提案


  • The Group Jump Rope Orchestra: an interactive system to present a sense of togetherness




A group jump rope is a sport that several people jump into a long rope one by one and jump together. As the number of participants increases, it gets more difficult to jump continuously. To jump the group jump rope, participants need to synchronize their timing and rhythm. When they synchronize, participants will feel a sense of togetherness, and this is one of the pleasantness of a group jump rope. Similarly, an orchestra perform a music with several people play instruments together. Also, orchestra is familiar to all over the world and is often used in interactive systems. We propose an interactive system by mixing a group jump rope and an orchestra together, so that participants can feel a sense of togetherness with their sense of vision, hearing and their whole body.

エンタテインメントコンピューティング2010, デモ展示 B11

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