福島現地の放射能調査と放射性セシウムの内部蓄積量の推定 : 2コンパートメント代謝モデルによる食物と尿中のセシウム濃度に基づいて


  • フクシマ ゲンチ ノ ホウシャノウ チョウサ ト ホウシャセイ セシウム ノ ナイブ チクセキリョウ ノ スイテイ : 2 コンパートメント タイシャ モデル ニ ヨル ショクモツ ト ニョウチュウ ノ セシウム ノウド ニ モトズイテ
  • On the Current Radiation Dose Rate of Tamura-City, Fukushima, and an Estimation of Internal Accumulation of 137Cs from Daily Foods Intake and Density in Urine



We have measured the radiation dose rate of β-ray and γ-ray in Fukushima, especially Tamura City area, and estimated the internal accumulation of 137Cs from its density in daily foods and urine of those who lives in Fukushima and Tokyo area. We used 2-compartments model of the metabolism of 137Cs with the parameters presented by ICRP and IAEA. We have got the following results. 1) The γ-ray level of Tamura City is 1.5 times higher than last year, i.e. averaged around 3.5-5.4μ Sv/h, and β-ray level is 775E-09 Ci/Kg and over and 191par/cm2・min to 270par/cm2・min at a point of Katsurao-mura about 10km far from the Futabamachi. The existence of β-ray suggests that radioactive Strontium and Tritium as well as 137Cs are spread over around the area. 2) According to various investigations on the amount of 137Cs intake through daily food, we have calculated the internal accumulation of it. The amount of 137Cs intake in Fukushima is estimated 10-220Bq/day in 2011, then the internal accumulation is 18.6-408.8Bq/kg and the accumulated effective dose is to be 0.088-1.94mSv in three years. Recently, in Fukushima area 137Cs intake is estimated 4.4Bq/day, then the internal accumulation is to be 8.2Bq/kg and the accumulated dose is 0.039mSv in three years. In Tokyo area the value is supposed to be one eighth of Fukushima's. 3) The daily intake of 137Cs estimated from its density in urine could be 0.2-4.6Bq/day in Fukushima, then its internal equilibrium accumulation is to be 0.68-15.6Bq/kg and the accumulated effective dose is 0.001-0.026mSv in three years. In Tokyo the estimated value is one third lower than in Fukushima. According to a study on Chernobyl by Bandazdevsky, the internal accumulation of 10Bq/kg has damaged the hearts of the victims, especially among children. The equivalent intake of 137Cs through daily food will be 0.5Bq/day in babies under one year, 2-5Bq/day in children under 15 years and 8Bq/day in adults. We should keep watching the radiation contamination of daily food very strictly.


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