Historic Cities of The Straits of Malacca UNESCO World Heritage Site: Threats and Challenges

DOI 機関リポジトリ HANDLE オープンアクセス


This paper presents the impacts of new development projects on the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the Straits of Malacca, which is composed of two cities: Melaka and George Town. Apart from potentially affecting their World Heritage status, these intrusions could erode the character of the heritage sites due to inadequate urban planning and a lack of proper zoning for urban development that respects the boundaries of the protected cultural heritage properties. There are legal instruments for the conservation of both cities, but the absence of a management plan and effective enforcement is causing the erosion of their values. Moreover, there is no specific model or management system for controlling the vulnerabilities to hazards in both cities, which could increase due to the new development projects.


  • 世界遺産学研究

    世界遺産学研究 SPECIAL ISSUE 2019 9-15, 2019


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