フランス福祉国家論の思想的考察 : 「連帯」のアクチュアリティ

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  • フランス福祉国家論の思想的考察 【「連帯」のアクチュアリティ】
  • フランス福祉国家論の思想的考察 【「連帯」のアクチュアリティ】
  • フランス フクシ コッカロン ノ シソウテキ コウサツ レンタイ ノ アクチュアリティ
  • Is the Concept of “Solidarity”Going Out of Date? A Theoretical Review of Recent Discussions on the Welfare State in France



For more than two decades, the merits of the welfare state (Etat-providence) have been debated in most of the industrialized countries. This paper aims to review and to evaluate recent debates on the welfare state in France from a theoretical and historical point of view. The first section of this paper sums up the main arguments concerning the "crisis of the welfare state" in France. There are two different arguments. The first, represented by Pierre Rosanvallon and Jacques Donzelot, emphasizes the statist character of the French welfare state. The second, led by Francois Ewald, focuses on the disciplinary nature of the social security system. The second section reviews the philosophical implications of the concept of "solidarity", which has been regarded as an intellectual foundation of the French welfare state. This concept was introduced at the end of the nineteenth century in opposition to the three main streams of social thought of that period: political economy (liberalism), social economy (mutual associationism) and social republicanism. In this context, the idea of "solidarity" can be characterized by its skepticism of industrialism, the anti-statist and associationist feature, and the strong commitment to the "progress" of society. To sum up, the major part of the actual criticisms against the concept of "solidarity" are misleading and the essential character of this idea is still relevant, even needs to be strengthened in view of the contemporary social problems.




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