Students' cognitive and behavioral copings with slander and their adjustment to physical education classes

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  • 体育授業中の被中傷に対する認知行動的対処と体育授業への適応
  • タイイク ジュギョウ チュウ ノ ヒチュウショウ ニ タイスル ニンチコウ ドウテキ タイショ ト タイイク ジュギョウ エ ノ テキオウ

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This study examined the degree to which the Adjustment Model to Physical Education Classes (AMPEC; Sasaki, 2008) was fit for the cognitive-behavioral process to cope with interpersonal stress named “reception of slander”(Sasaki, 2002) among senior high school students in physical education (PE) classes and to improve their attitudes toward PE classes. 482 high school students completed several scales measuring cognitive and behavioral variables which defined students' causal process of adjustment to PE classes. Structural equation modeling applied to 48 students' data who experienced the slanders from their company during the PE classes and reported the perceived dislike indicated that AMPEC showed appropriate indices (χ^2 (119) =123.737, p=.37. GFI=.814, CFI=.985, RMSEA=.026). It was suggested that AMPEC might be helpful in explaining cognitive-behavioral process of senior high school students to handle their interpersonal stress in PE classes and to encourage students to participate in PE classes. In addition, it was noticed that the attribution retraining was effective to the students who could not eliminate their perceived dislike of slander, and that several interventional cognitive-behavioral strategies for senior high school PE classes were represented specifically.


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