

  • コウレイシャ ギャクタイ ニ タイスル チイキ ホウカツ シエン センター カンゴショク ノ シエン コウドウ シヒョウ ノ ユウヨウセイ ・ ジツヨウ カノウセイ ノ ケンショウ




[要旨] 目的 : 「高齢者虐待に対する地域包括支援センター(センター)看護職の支援行動指標(指標)」の有用性と実用可能性を検証する。方法 : 3センターの初任期看護職3人が指標を2ヶ月間試用し,試用後に半構造化面接調査を行った。その結果をもとに有用性を虐待対応の改善,実用可能性を活用に伴う負担感の有無により検証した。また,センター長(看護職1人,他職種2人)による評価を得た。結果 : 初任期看護職全員が,指標の示す「支援対象者」をもとに高齢者と養護者のみへの支援であったことに気づき,多様な支援対象者に対する支援の必要性と地域ケア力向上への支援が課題であると認識した。看護職のセンター長は,多様な支援対象への働きかけや事例の全体像の把握等,初任期看護職の虐待対応の改善を認め,他職種のセンター長1名は,看護職に養護者や家族を支援する役割があることを理解した。また,初任期看護職は状況に応じて「支援行動の意図」や「支援行動例」を選択し活用し,全員が負担なく活用でき,自身の課題解決に向けて継続的に活用する意向を示した。考察:初任期看護職が高齢者と養護者のみならず多様な支援者への働きかけを習得した等,センターの看護職の役割と支援行動を理解し高齢者虐待防止に関する対応を改善したこと,さらに他職種による看護職の役割の理解が深化したことから本指標はセンターの高齢者虐待に対する看護職および協働による組織的対応の改善に有用と考える。また,自身の課題解決に向けて「支援行動の意図」と「支援行動例」を選択して活用できることが実用可能性を高めたと考える。

[SUMMARY] Purpose : This study aimed to verify the efficiency and feasibility of the Support Action Indicator(Indicator) Against Elder Abuse by Community Health Nurses at Community General Support Centers(Centers). Methods : Early-career nurses tested the Indicator over two months at three Centers. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to verify the Indicator’s efficiency based on improved responses to elder abuse and its feasibility depending on the presence or absence of a sense of responsibility associated with its usage. Evaluations were also obtained by the Centers’ directors. Results: All early-career nurses identified the presence of support for the elderly and caregivers only, and also recognized the necessity of support for a variety of targets and for improvement in community care as themes based on the indices of “support targets.” The director of the center for nurses noted improvements in the nurses’ responses to abuse, for instance, encouraging various support targets and grasping the entire picture of a case. The director of the center for other job classes understood the role of nurses who provide support for recipients of nursing care and their families. Also, depending on the situation, all early-career nurses were able to use the indices “intention for supportive action” and “examples of supportive action” unburdened, and indicated that they would continue to use the indices in problem-solving. Discussion : We found that early-career nurses understood support behaviors and their role as nurses at the Centers, for instance, learning to reach out not only to the elders and caregivers but also to a wide range of supporters. The Indicator is considered feasible and efficient for nurses in obtaining practical knowledge about preventing elder abuse. We concluded that improvements in the abilities of the Centers’ nurses and fulfillment of their role will improve the Centers’ responses to elder abuse. Furthermore, with a deeper understanding of the role of nursing staff in other occupations, we believe that this Indicator is useful for improving the response by nursing staff to elder abuse in the center and the organizational response through collaboration. Additionally, the ability to select and use “intention for supportive action” and “examples of supportive action” was thought to have increased the chances of implementation.


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