

  • A study on evaluation technique of active learning skills in design education
  • デザイン キョウイク ニ オイテ シュタイテキ ニ マナブ チカラ オ ヒョウカ スル シュホウ ノ イチ ケントウ



学生が主体的に学ぶ力を向上させるために,多くの授業でアクティブ・ラーニングが導入され,主体的に学ぶ力を評価する指標も検討されている.デザイン教育では学生が主体的に学ぶ力を評価する指標のひとつに創作意欲があげられる.本研究では,制作意図の記述内容に,創作に対する意欲が反映されたものが多いことから,制作意図のテキストデータを形態素解析で分類した単語数と作品評価との関連性を検討した.さらに,アンケートから得られた学習方略の使用度合と作品評価との関連性の検討も行った.分析の結果,学習方略の使用度合と作品評価の関係に比べ制作意図の単語数と作品評価との間に有意な正の相関が多くのテーマでみられた. In order to improve students' ability to learn independently, active learning is introduced in many classes, and an index to evaluate the ability to learn independently is considered. In design education, one of the indexes that evaluates the ability of students to study independently is their motivation to create. In this research, since many of the intentions for creation are reflected in the description content of the production intention, we examined the relationship between the number of words classified by the morphological analysis and the work evaluation. Furthermore, we examined the relationship between the degree of use of the learning strategy obtained from the questionnaire and the work evaluation. As a result of the analysis, a significant positive correlation was found in many themes between the number of words intended for production and the work evaluation compared to the relationship between the degree of use of the learning strategy and the work evaluation.


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