日本の教育経験を活用した途上国への教育支援に必要な観点の構築 : ミャンマー,フィリピン,カンボジアの事例分析を通して

機関リポジトリ HANDLE Web Site オープンアクセス


  • ニホン ノ キョウイク ケイケン オ カツヨウ シタ トジョウコク エ ノ キョウイク シエン ニ ヒツヨウ ナ カンテン ノ コウチク : ミャンマー,フィリピン,カンボジア ノ ジレイ ブンセキ オ トオシテ
  • Applying Japanese Educational Experiences to the Construction of Essential Perspectives for Educational Development in Developing Countries : Case Studies of Myanmar, the Philippines, and Cambodia




The purpose of this research is to clarify the viewpoints that need to be considered in educational development projects for developing countries. Educational development in developing countries has shifted from infrastructure development, such as constructing school buildings, to pedagogic development, such as improving teaching methods for the 21st Century. However, an engineering approach has often been taken to the management of these projects, ignoring their social-historical contexts. Therefore, undertaking collaborative research with teachers and researchers in developing countries, the authors analyzed relationships between educational challenges and social-cultural contexts in Myanmar, the Philippines, and Cambodia. A number of challenges were identified, including power imbalances between students and teachers, regional gaps in the educational environment, school systems that are overreliant on the efforts of teachers, and the dissemination of new educational methods. Future research needs to take a macro approach to the investigation of each of these challenges.

本研究は,科研費基盤研究 (B) 海外学術調査「社会文化的アプローチによる国際教育協力の学習環境デザイン」 (17H04572) の成果の一部である.




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