

  • ビョウイン ナイ カンゴ ケンキュウ シドウシャ ノ カンゴ ケンキュウ ノウリョク ト シドウ ジョウ ノ コンナン ニ ツイテ




[要旨] 目的 : 病院における看護研究指導者の看護研究指導を受けた経験と研究能力を把握したうえで,指導上の困難との関連を明らかにすることである。方法 : A県内100床以上74病院の院内看護研究指導の役割を担う看護師172名を対象に,研究実施経験と研究指導を受けた経験の有無,そして7領域28項目からなる研究能力と研究指導上の困難について,郵送による無記名自記式質問紙調査を実施した。結果 : 128名の有効回答(74.4%)を得た。研究指導を受けた経験あり群はなし群と比較して,「テーマの絞り込み」「文献検索と文献検討」「研究計画書の作成」「倫理的配慮」で有意に研究能力が高く(p< .05),「テーマの絞り込み」「文献検索と文献検討 」「研究計画書の作成」「量的研究方法」「質的研究方法」「研究論文のまとめと公表」で有意に指導上の困難があった(p<.05)。結論 : 研究指導を受けた経験がある者ほど研究能力は高く,困難をより明確に感じていた。今後は病院内における研究指導者の育成を推進する必要がある。

[SUMMARY] Aims : This study aims to elucidate the research abilities and difficulties of education in nursing among clinical research nurse instructors. Methods : A self-administered questionnaire survey was conducted by mail including 172 research nurse instructors in 74 hospitals with ? 100 beds in prefecture A. These nurses were asked to provide response on 28 items in 7 areas, which included information concerning : (i) whether they had experience in conducting research, (ii) whether they had ever received advice on research, and(iii) their research abilities and difficulties in providing research education. Results : Valid responses were received from 128 nurses(74.4%). The nurses were divided into those who had received research education and those who had not, and were subsequently compared. Those with research education experience had significantly higher research abilities in areas of “focus on the theme,” “review of relevant literature,” “writing research proposals,” and “ethics on research”(p<.05), and they also had significantly more difficulty in providing education in areas of “focus on the theme,” “review of relevant literature,” “writing research proposals,” “quantitative research methodology,” “qualitative research methodology,” and “writing research proposals”(p<.05). Conclusions : Nurses who had received research education had higher research abilities and were concretely aware of their difficulties. Training of clinical research nurse instructors should be promoted.


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