看護学生の職業レディネスと曖昧さへの態度の関連 (第一報)


  • Relationship between Vocational Readiness and Attitudes towards Ambiguity among Nursing Students:the First Report



【目的】 看護学生の職業レディネスと曖昧さへの態度の関連を調査し,キャリア教育への示唆を得る.【方法】 A学園内の大学と専門学校に通う看護学生1,023名に無記名自記式の質問紙を配布した.調査内容は,個人属性(年齢,性別,学年,社会人経験,進路決定タイプ)と職業レディネス(職業レディネス尺度),曖昧さへの態度(曖昧さへの態度尺度)とした.分析は,記述統計,差の検定,多重比較を行った.【結果】 分析対象は642部(有効回答率62.8%)であり,対象者は女性572名(89.1%),平均年齢は21.1±2.9歳,進路決定タイプは【早期決定型】が最も多かった.職業レディネス尺度(中央値)は,社会人学生(68.1点)が一般学生(60.7点)に比べて有意に高かった( p<0.001).学年別では,第1学年(62.7点)が第4学年(59.9点)と第2学年(60.1点)に比べて有意に高かった( p<0.05).曖昧さへの態度尺度(中央値)の下位項目【曖昧さの享受】は,男性(4.5点)が女性(4.3点)に比べて有意に高かった( p<0.05).【曖昧さへの不安】は,一般学生(4.3点)が社会人学生(4.1点)に比べて有意に高かった( p<0.001).【曖昧さの受容】は,進路決定タイプにおいて【回避型】(3.9点)が【出会い型】(3.6点)と【途中変更型】(3.6点)に比べて有意に高かった( p<0.01).【曖昧さの統制】は,社会人学生(4.9点)が一般学生(4.5点)に比べて有意に高かった( p<0.05).【曖昧さの排除】は,進路決定タイプにおいて【直前決定型】(3.9点)が【早期決定型】(4.2点)と【出会い型】(4.2点)に比べて有意に低かった( p<0.01).【結論】 今回,看護学生の職業レディネスと曖昧さへの態度についての実態が明らかになった.今後は,看護学生の職業レディネスを高めるための支援を曖昧さへの態度との関連から明らかにしていき,看護学生の曖昧さへの態度に応じた教育的介入について検討していく必要がある.

[Purpose] Our purpose was to investigate vocational readiness and attitudes toward ambiguity in nursing students.[Methods] Surveys were distributed to 1,023 nursing students. The survey questions included personal attributes, the Vocational Readiness Scale and Attitude toward Ambiguity Scale. [Results] Answers from 642 respondents [572 females, 70 males;age 21.1±2.9 yr (mean±stan-dard deviation)] were included (valid response rate:62.8%). The early-decision-making type was the most common type. Students with work experience scored higher on the Vocational Readiness Scale than those who did not (68.1 vs. 60.7 points, median)( p<0.001). According to school year, first-year students (62.7 points)scored significantly higher on the Vocational Readiness Scale than the fourth-year (59.9 points)and second-year students (60.1 points)( p<0.05).The score on “acceptance of ambiguity” was higher in males than in females (4.5 vs. 4.3 points). Students without work experience had a higher score on “anxiety toward ambiguity” than those with work experience (4.3 vs. 4.1 points)( p<0.0001). Students with avoidance-of-career-deci-sion-making pattern (3.9 points)had a higher score on “acceptance of ambiguity” than those with the encounter pattern or mid-avoidance pattern (3.6 points each) ( p<0.01 each). Students with work experience had a higher score on “control of ambiguity” than those who did not (4.9 vs. 4.5 points)( p<0.01),and students with the predecessor pattern (3.9 points) had a lower score on “exclusion of ambiguity” than those with the early-decision or encounter pattern (4.2 points each)( p<0.01 each).[Conclusion] We clarified the work readiness and attitudes toward ambiguity among nursing students. Future studies need to investigate how nursing students can be supported to increase their vocational readiness according to their attitude towards ambiguity.


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