

  • Second Field Survey Collecting Traditionally Grown Crops in Northern Areas of Myanmar, 2009


We made the second joint field survey in Kachin state of Myanmar in October, 2009 after the first survey in October, 2006. The field survey team was organized by Tsukuba University (TU), Japan, the National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences (NIAS), Japan, and the Myanma Agricultural Service (MAS), Myanmar. The survey was funded by a Grand-in- Aid for Overseas Scientific Research of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan (Research Project No. 21405017, 2009-2011). This country has been suggested to harbor crop genetic diversity in traditional cultivated plants and their wild relatives. There was, however, a little information on crops diversity and distribution, since a limited number of field studies in relation had been organized: by IRRI in early 1990s, by JICA Seed Bank Project during 1997 to 2002, by NIAS Genebank Project from 1999 to 2005, and our previous survey in 2006. We surveyed northwards from Myitkyina up to Hka-Ga-Ran-Yang village located 57 miles south of Sumprabum, and then retreated to Myitkyina. It was expected difficult to proceed in a muddy road in rainy season in Kachin state. To make matters worse, the botanical trip was highly disturbed by the heavy rain caused by Typhoon No. 17 (PARMA). Consequently, we could survey some areas only less than 620m altitude above the sea level and collected 39 plant samples including rice landraces (13 samples), sesame (5) and rice bean (2).ミャンマーは栽培稲や野生稲,そして多くの栽培植物の遺伝的多様性を有していると云われ,1990年代初頭にはIRRIによって,1997年から2002年にかけてはJICAシードバンク計画によって,また,1999年から2005年にかけては農業生物ジーンバンク事業によって探索収集が行われた.しかし,組織的な植物遺伝資源のフィールド調査や収集は必ずしも十分とはいえない.2006年の前回に引き続き,筑波大学,農業生物資源研究所およびミャンマー農業灌漑省との協力のもとカチン州において雑穀,マメ類,ショウガ,ウコン遺伝資源の調査と収集を行った.本現地調査研究は文部科学省科学研究費助成 基盤研究(B)課題番号 21405017「国境を超越して生存する少数民族に関わる絶滅危惧植物遺伝資源と伝統知識の保全」代表者 渡邉 和男)によるものである.雨季のため困難はある程度予想はしていたが,台風の影響によって四駆車といえども泥濘の中を進むことはきわめて困難で,計画したスンプラボンに至ることなく撤退を余儀なくされたが,カチン州のミッチーナ以北の標高620m 未満の地域を調査し,収穫直後あるいは直前の焼畑を見ることができ,遺伝資源39点を収集した.収集品には栽培稲13点,ゴマ5点,タケアズキ(ツルアズキ)2点などが含まれる.


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