地方財政論の分析手法における GIS の 活用方法についての検討


  • 地方財政論の分析手法におけるGISの活用方法についての検討 : 都市財政における新しい社会的リスクへの対応状況
  • チホウ ザイセイロン ノ ブンセキ シュホウ ニ オケル GIS ノ カツヨウ ホウホウ ニ ツイテ ノ ケントウ : トシ ザイセイ ニ オケル アタラシイ シャカイテキ リスク エ ノ タイオウ ジョウキョウ
  • Use of GIS in the Analytical Methodology of Local Public Finance



The purpose of this paper is to examine the methodology of using Geographical InformationSystem(GIS)for the analysis of local government finance.In recent years, policy research using GIS has increased due to the free availability of GISsoftware. However, very few studies in the field of local government finance in Japan utilizingGIS have been conducted so far.Therefore, this paper presents three specific examples of analysis using GIS concerning issues in local government finance theory.The first is a spatial analysis of intergovernmental fiscal relations using coropleth maps. Ishowed how to visually confirm the adjacency and spatial concentration of policy choices, whichcannot be handled by ordinary vector data.Second, I presented a method of analyzing the classification of administrative districts in policy analysis based on geographic concentration rather than city divisions.Third, I presented a method for quantitatively confirming the spatial concentration of a particular class or administrative demand applying Tobler’s first law of geography.


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