Childcare Worker Training to Foster Capacity for Interpersonal Relationships: Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of the “Successful Self” Childcare Worker Version for Psychoeducation

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  • 人間関係力を育む保育者養成教育の実践 -心理教育“サクセスフル・セルフ”保育者養成版の作成,実施と評価-


保育者養成大学の学生が保育現場の実情を知り,職務上の人間関係のあり方について実践的に学ぶことができるようにするため,心理教育プログラム“サクセスフル・セルフ” 保育者養成版を作成後,四年制の保育者養成課程 1 年生 47 名を対象として前半のレッスンを実施し,その内容や実施方法,効果について検討した。学生の記述内容から,本プログラムは分かりやすく役立つ内容になっていることが示唆され,学生の自己・他者理解に繫がり,人との関わり方について考える機会となったことが窺えた。プログラム実施前後の質問紙調査の結果,「対応のスキル」「自己コントロールに関する自己効力感」等の心理社会的要因の数値に変化は見られたものの,プログラムの効果については,今後さらに詳細な検討が必要だと考えられる。

To help students at universities training to be childcare workers understand the ground realities of early childhood education and learn practically about the state of interpersonal relationships in the field, a “Successful Self” Childcare Worker Version was developed as a program in psychoeducation. Then, lessons from the first half of the program were conducted with 47 first-year students in a four-year program in early childhood education, and the content, implementation method, and effects of the program were examined. Student responses to the program indicated that the content was intelligible and useful, suggesting that the program fostered understanding of the self and others and functioned as an opportunity for students to consider their way of interacting with others. Although the results of questionnaire surveys conducted before and after the program highlighted changes in psychosocial factors, such as coping skills and self-efficacy for self-control, the effects of the program remain unclear and must be examined in future research.


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