Ainu’s Identity, Historical Struggle, and Ethnic-Revitalization Movements



日本は単一民族社会だと考えられてきたが,この数十年,論争が起こっている。人種,民族の純粋さ を重視する日本の排他主義は,日本が島国であり,鎖国政策によって日本人特有の感覚が培われてきた 為に生じた。アイヌは元来白系だとみなされ,他の日本人と異なる為,政府の同化政策によって抑圧さ れてきたが,事実,アイヌは民族文化を持つ日本の先住民族である。2007年の国連総会でアイヌが 日本の先住民族であると承認され,翌年日本政府も事実を認めた。しかし,アイヌへの偏見差別,経済, 社会,教育問題は未解決であり,アイヌに関する研究も少ない。本論文ではアイヌと日本人アイデンティ ティを比較し,経済不平等,階級差別へのアイヌの歴史的闘争を検証し,アイヌ民族復活運動を分析する。 本研究により,教育者がアイヌアイデンティティ,文化伝承,歴史及びアイヌ民族復活運動の理解と知 識を深め,積極的にアイヌの人権尊重に取り組むことを願う。

Japan is thought to be a racially and ethnically monolingual, homogeneous society. However, the notion of Japan’s homogeneity has been controversial for decades. Japan’s ethnocentrism derives from the fact that Japaneseness has been developed because Japan geographically is an island country and historically had closed the country to keep it secure. Thus the purity of Japaneseness relating to race and ethnicity became crucial. Ainu were said to be of Caucasian roots, now disproven with no racial affinity to the Japanese. In fact, Ainu are indigenous people of Japan and the Ainu culture was formed centuries ago. However, Ainu had suffered from assimilation to the mainstream culture and oppressions due to their biological and ethnic differences from the rest of the Japanese. After their historical struggles, the United Nations finally affirmed in 2007 that the Ainu are indigenous people of Japan, followed by the approval of the Japanese government in 2008. However, today there still remain prejudice and discrimination against Ainu and economic, social, and educational issues. Little research has been conducted concerning human rights issues of Ainu within a global context. This paper will 1) compare Ainu’s identity with Japan’s national identity in relation to Japaneseness; 2) examine Ainu’s historical struggle of economic inequality and social stratification; and 3) analyze Ainu’s ethnic-revitalization movements concerning human rights. Today people still lack of understanding of Ainu’s identity, cultural tradition, and history. Thus, this study will benefit educators providing them with knowledge of and positive attitudes toward the Ainu and their ethnic-vitalization movements.


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