パートタイム看護師の職業経験に関する研究 ―― 病院に就業し職業を継続している看護師に焦点をあてて――


  • Study on the Occupational Experience of Part-time Nurses ―― Focusing on Nurses Working in Hospitals and Continuing their Professions ――
  • パートタイム カンゴシ ノ ショクギョウ ケイケン ニ カンスル ケンキュウ : ビョウイン ニ シュウギョウ シ ショクギョウ オ ケイゾク シテ イル カンゴシ ニ ショウテン オ アテテ
  • Study on the Occupational Experience of Part-time Nurses ―― Focusing on Nurses Working in Hospitals and Continuing their Professions ――




目的:職業を継続しているパートタイム看護師の職業経験を表す概念を創出し,その総体を明らかにすることを通して,パートタイム看護師の職業経験の特徴を考察する. 方法:研究方法論には,看護概念創出法を適用した.また,病院に就業し職業を継続しているパートタイム看護師15 名を対象に,半構造化面接によりデータを収集し,持続比較分析を行った. 結果:職業を継続しているパートタイム看護師の職業経験を表す【想定通りの実践困難への直面による自信喪失と自己への鼓舞】【正規雇用看護師との処遇格差に対する不満と諦め】など16 の概念を創出した. 結論:職業を継続しているパートタイム看護師の職業経験を表す16 概念を明らかにした.また,考察の結果,職業を継続しているパートタイム看護師の職業経験は,7 つの特徴を持つことを示した.

Objective: To clarify the occupational experience of part-time nurses who continue their profession, and to identify the main features of their experiences. Methods: Data were collected and analyzed by semi-structured interviews of 15 part-time nurses who were employed in hospitals and were continuing their profession. The Methodology for Conceptualization of Nursing was applied and data were subjected to continuous comparative analysis. Results: Sixteen concepts that represent the occupational experience of part-time nurses were created, including [selfjudgment based on understanding of role range and range ambiguity] and [continuing working as a nursing professional by valuing nursing]. Conclusion: Sixteen concepts that represent the occupational experience of part-time nurses who continue their profession were extracted. Moreover, these 16 concepts were found to express seven features.




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