On the Functional Module Inaccessibility View


  • 機能モジュール利用不可仮説の考察



Within the generative framework, UG (Universal Grammar) is a system of principles and parameters, and the acquisition of syntax (grammar) is the process of parameter-setting. A number of studies in the second language (L2) research literature have proposed various hypotheses about the role of L1 and un/availability of UG parameters in L2 acquisition. The question of to what extent UG is un/available in L2 acquisition is addressed in this paper, examining representative L2 studies that propose an explicit hypothesis about the nature of UG parameters and the role of L1 in L2 acquisition: namely the Functional Module Inaccessibility Hypothesis. Examining the theoretical underpinnings of the hypothesis, the subsequent claims of the L1 manipulation and the unavailable parameters (i.e. functional module inaccessibility) in L2 acquisition, and the data used to support the hypothesis, I elucidate where and how this hypothesis fails and succeeds in account of interlanguage systems at developmental stages of L2 acquisition. While investigating the problems related to their accounts of interlanguage systems, I argue that neither the L1 manipulation account nor the unavailable UG parameters account of the hypothesis is sufficient or necessary to account for observed L2 acquisition phenomena. Instead, it will be suggested that the hypothesis-testing model, namely ‘the Economical Parameter Setting Model, proposed in Bong (2005) can accommodate the L2 acquisition data that cannot be captured by the Functional Module Inaccessibility hypothesis.

信州大学人文社会科学研究 3: 87-101(2009)


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