

  • Residential Choices of Working Women in Urban Space


The social and economic circumstances of Japanese women have drastically changed over the past two decades. These changes are partly reflected in the feminization of labor, which means the rising rate of working women. In particular, the number of unmarried or never-married women has increased in metropolitan areas. This reflects the fact that more than a few women postpone marriage to continue working in full-time jobs to avoid career breaks. This trend has been enhanced by the improved working conditions of career women after the Equal Employment Opportunity Law was enacted in 1986. As a result, the life-courses and life styles of Japanese women have drastically changed and diversified. Our research group has been attempting to clarify the conditions affecting the work and life of women living in Tokyo Metropolitan Area focusing on their residential choices. This paper summarizes our major findings based on a book entitled “Urban Spaces of Working Women in Tokyo”. Major topics described are relationship between the life-stage and residential choices, typology of working women according to their life styles, and purchases of condominiums by single women and their backgrounds.


  • E-journal GEO

    E-journal GEO 2 (3), 139-152, 2007

    公益社団法人 日本地理学会

参考文献 (17)*注記




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