Development of Advanced Nuclide Separation and Recovery Methods using Ion-Exchange Techniques in Nuclear Backend

  • MIURA Hitoshi
    Dept. of Quantum Science & Energy Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University

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Other Title
  • 原子力バックエンドにおけるイオン交換法を主体とした核種の高度分離・回収法の開発
  • 受賞論文(平成21年度[日本イオン交換学会]学会賞) 原子力バックエンドにおけるイオン交換法を主体とした核種の高度分離・回収法の開発
  • ジュショウ ロンブン ヘイセイ 21ネンド ニホン イオン コウカン ガッカイ ガッカイショウ ゲンシリョク バックエンド ニ オケル イオン コウカンホウ オ シュタイ ト シタ カクシュ ノ コウド ブンリ カイシュウホウ ノ カイハツ

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The development of compact separation and recovery methods using selective ion-exchange techniques is very important for the reprocessing and high-level liquid wastes (HLLWs) treatment in the nuclear backend field. The selective nuclide separation techniques are effective for the volume reduction of wastes and the utilization of valuable nuclides, and expected for the construction of advanced nuclear fuel cycle system and the rationalization of waste treatment. In order to accomplish the selective nuclide separation, the design and synthesis of novel adsorbents are essential for the development of compact and precise separation processes. The present paper deals with the preparation of highly functional and selective hybrid microcapsules enclosing nano-adsorbents in the alginate gel polymer matrices by sol-gel methods, their characterization and the clarification of selective adsorption properties by batch and column methods. The selective separation of Cs, Pd and Re in real HLLW was further accomplished by using novel microcapsules, and an advanced nuclide separation system was proposed by the combination of selective processes using microcapsules.


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