

  • Why Are the Standards for Employing New University Graduates Unclear?
  • なぜ新規大卒者の採用基準はみえにくくなるのか--事務系総合職の面接に着目して
  • ナゼ シンキ ダイソツシャ ノ サイヨウ キジュン ワ ミエニククナルノカ ジムケイ ソウゴウショク ノ メンセツ ニ チャクモクシテ
  • Focusing on Job Interviews for Recruiting Students in the Humanities, Social Sciences and Liberal Arts
  • 事務系総合職の面接に着目して



The purpose of this paper is to clarify why the standards for employing new university graduates are unclear. This paper analyzes a dynamic process to employ new university graduates from the viewpoint of the sociology of education by interviewing corporate recruiting staff. The major findings are as follows. First, because new university graduates prepare for the listed requirements, employers add some items that are not listed in order to better evaluate applicants. Second, the standards for employing new university graduates are not fixed and are adjusted higher or lower during the course of the recruitment season. This paper finally discusses implication of these findings for companies and new university graduates.


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