

  • Democracy and Democracy Support in Development Assistance
  • カイハツ エンジョ ニ オケル デモクラシー ト ミンシュカ シエン



Since the end of the Cold War, economic development, peace, and establishment of democracy have been the primary goals of development assistance, as is delineated in the UN Millennium Development Goals. Nevertheless, the community engaged in development assistance is uncertain with regard to (1) how democracy as a political regime and democratization as a transition toward a consolidated democracy are related to development and (2) how democratization should be supported in development assistance. Therefore, this article attempts to examine how democracy has been located within the realm of development assistance and how it has transformed and to clarify the issues that democracy support confronts in development assistance.<br>The first section of this article reviews how democracy is located within development assistance, focusing on the main theories that development assistance is based on, the role of democracy in these theories, and the practice of democracy support. The role of democracy and democracy support in development assistance is categorized into several models. Currently, there is a shift in the wider preference for the Post-Washington Consensus model, which attaches greater importance to economic governance assistance, toward the European Consensus model, which respects the principles of partnership and ownership, actively providing more support for democratic governance. However, the Beijing Consensus model, which separates democratization from development, is also drawing considerable attention.<br>The second section examines democracy support activities under the framework of development assistance, along several points drawn from the general research on democracy support, and tries to tackle the challenges faced by development assistance. First, this article analyzes the relationship between democracy and governance and examines the methods of evaluating them. Second, the article examines what development assistance should be provided at each stage of democratic transition and consolidation and what problems should be resolved to assist democratization in a country. Finally, international actors are required to maintain legitimacy when deciding the content and approach of democracy support in order to be accepted by the people of a recipient country. Maintaining legitimacy is also necessary for improving effectiveness. This examines attempts such as the process of a Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper to secure the participation of the recipient government and the stakeholders in the development assistance decision-making process, including democracy support.<br>The last section of this article highlights the consequences of refraining from addressing the “political” nature of democracy and democratization by the community engaged in development. This article is concluded by calling attention to the necessity of carefully investigating the changes in international politics, which may affect the regime of development assistance and the methods of democracy support.


  • 国際政治

    国際政治 2011 (165), 165_111-124, 2011

    一般財団法人 日本国際政治学会



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