

  • Reconsideration about the Art Appreciation Education Through the Interactive Method and Its Target Works
  • タイワガタ カンショウ ト タイショウ サクヒン ニ ツイテ ノ サイコウ



In art appreciation education it is important to first of all set up acknowledged masterpieces as objective works. This allows the masterpieces to clarify subject matter, and the possibility of use by other teachers increases. On the other hand, allowing uninhibited viewing of modern art can develop an appreciation and sensibility for art and develop a sense of values secured in a naturalistic way rather than as defined by masterpieces. Moreover, since the masterpiece has the proven power to provide various feelings over space and time, those who view these works can gain insight into contents, ambitions and fine arts culture through the parallels of all works across time. In this way, then, it is not contradictory for one to see freely and subjectively, and thus to create a new view and sense of values, while simultaneously touching the core of fine arts. <BR>Then, the art appreciation education through the interactive method is effective. It is because it not only does not force value, but has an element which can engage works impressively and happily. Moreover, it is not as a method fixed and deterministic, but is realized as the "function" in which it can be used in various scenes of appreciation and the validity can be found in all children's developmental stages.


  • 美術教育

    美術教育 2012 (296), 26-32, 2012




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