

  • Clinical and Pathological Studied on a Spontaneous Case of Canine Systemic Atrophic Myositis
  • イヌ ノ ゼンシンセイ イシュクセイ キンエン ノ 1レイ ニ カンスル リン



Clinical and pathological examinations were made on a mongrel dog having progressive and systemic muscle atrophy. Clinically, the progressive atrophy was prominent in the temporal and masseter muscles as well as muscles of four limbs during about a year since the first clinical examination. Hematological examinations made at earlier stages of observations revealed a normal level of the counts of red and white blood cells and hematocrit, while eosinophils ranged from 9 to 10% of leucocytes. Serum transaminase levels were considerably high, and there was a little elevation in β-globulin. At autopsy, the atrophy and paleness were evident in most skeletal muscles, especially in temporal muscles leaving only epimysium with a small amount of connective and adipose tissues. Histopathologically, atrophied muscle fibers exhibited degeneration and necrosis accompanying replacement by increased connective or adipose tissues and infiltration of plasma cells and lymphocytes. Electronmicroscopy of severely affected portions of M. gracilis and M. gastrocnemius revealed vascular changes with edema and swelling of endothelial cells. The diaphragm, tongue and cardiac muscles were also involved having eosinophil infiltration. These findings were discussed in comparison with canine eosinophilic or atrophic myositis.



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