

  • Japanese Women Lawyers in the Metropolitan Area at the Turn of the Century
  • 20セイキマツ ニ オケル ニホン ノ ダイトシガタ ジョセイ ベンゴシ ジョセイ ノ ケンリ ト ノ カカワリ ニ オイテ
  • 女性の権利との関わりにおいて



This paper presents an analysis on the professional work and consciousness of the Japanese women lawyers who practice law in the metropolitan area of Tokyo. It is based on the research of women lawyers conducted in 1998 supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.<br>The frame of the research is to see if the international trend of the female bar to commit to the women's cause, especially "Women's Rights, " or feminist perspectives has any effect on Japanese legal practice by women lawyers. My former research of 1991 (cf. Kaminaga & Westhoff, "Women Lawyers in Japan: Contradictory Factors in Status, " in Shultz & Shaw eds. Women in The World's Legal Profession, 2003) suggested that women lawyers held a very special position in Japanese society-a kind of limbo between the general low social status of Japanese women and the very elevated status of the elite profession of law. Following up this result in a larger scale with more sophisticated design, I conclude that the same picture still applied to Japanese women lawyers at the turn of the century. The status factors reflected in their everyday practice and their attitude toward the representation of women clients and the "Women's Rights" cause.


  • 法社会学

    法社会学 2004 (61), 147-165,218, 2004




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