学校給食の単独校,センター校方式別にみた意識調査 II  教師と母親の意識



  • Awareness Survey on School Lunch Programs Classified by Independent and Center Dependent School Cooking Systems (Part 2)
  • 教師と母親の意識


We studied the awareness of 104 school teachers and 869 mothers on school lunch program broken down by the schools which cook lunch at their own kitchens and the schools which are supplied lunch from a central kitchen of the area by circulating questionnaires. The result is summarized below:<br>1) Teachers are highly interested in school lunch program and enthusiastic about correction of poor eating habits, teaching of table manners and preparing good environment for school lunch. Such efforts in the behavior of pupils are reflected well. Teachers are less enthusiastic about discussions with pupils and school dietitians or utilization of school broadcasting system about the program.<br>2) The interest of female teachers toward school lunch program is higher than that of male teachers indicating significant differences in their interests in education of nutritionally well-balanced meals and dialogue with pupils.<br>3) Comparison between the schools which prepare lunch at their own kitchen and those which are supplied lunch from the central kitchen revealed a significant difference in the degree of interest in school lunch program, in the number of notices listed and in the dialogue with dietitian, etc.<br>4) Mothers recognize the necessity of school lunch program on such grounds that the school lunch is nutritious, effective to correct children's bad meal habits, and saves the trouble of preparing lunch.<br>5) Half of the responding mothers recognize that their children had unbalanced dietary habits and they were trying to correct them.<br>6) Mothers who had unbalanced dietary habits were less enthusiastic about correcting the habits of their children and their attitude affected their children.<br>7) Mothers who took higher interest in school lunch program and dietary habits at home showed positive attitude toward nutritionally well-balanced meals and correction of bad dietary habits, and the result was reflected in the behaviors of their children.


  • 栄養学雑誌

    栄養学雑誌 41 (1), 43-55, 1983

    特定非営利活動法人 日本栄養改善学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

  • CRID
  • NII論文ID
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  • データソース種別
    • JaLC
    • Crossref
    • CiNii Articles
  • 抄録ライセンスフラグ

