Discrimination using the Color Variation of Chela in the Mud Crab Genus Scylla in Japan

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  • 日本のノコギリガザミ属3種における鉗脚の色彩変異による判別
  • ニホン ノ ノコギリガザミゾク 3シュ ニ オケル ケンキャク ノ シキサイ ヘンイ ニ ヨル ハンベツ

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To classify species of the mud crab genus Scylla for stock managements, color variations among species were observed using a simple digital imaging analysis. Using digital images obtained from 42 crabs, we sampled original color specification (sRGB) values of 4 lines on a chela of each crab. These data were translated into L* a* b* color specification values by the color matching functions. The characters of L*, a* and b* values were different among three species in several observed regions. In particular, a* values of Scylla olivacea on Line 1 and 2 were almost higher than the other 2 species, and b* values of Scylla serrata on Line 1 and 2 were lower than the others. Principal component and discriminant analyses also demonstrated apparent color differentiation among three species. Therefore, we can distinguish three species by these features of color specification.


  • Aquaculture Science

    Aquaculture Science 55 (2), 265-269, 2007

    Japanese Society for Aquaculture Science

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