


  • Effect of Successive Supply of Farmyard Manure on Mineral Elements in Green-House Cultivation of Tomato Crop


When large quantities of farmyard manure (FYM) are applied excess salts may become a serious problem, since green-house soil is not exposed to natural leaching by rainwater. In a soil applied excess FYM, the major cations that contribute to excess salt accumulation are potassium and calcium. The areas of two green-house were 71.5 m2respectively. Each house had two plots, one of which was applied at the rate of 50 t, and the other was 5t FYM per 10 a. There were three rows in each plot. Leaching water was introduced into a tank (100l) out side the house through the vinyl sheets placed at the bottoms of the rows. Results were as follows:<BR>1) There was no remarkable difference between the standing crops and fruit yield of the 50 t FYM plot and those of the 5 t FYM plot.<BR>2) The pH value for the soil of 50 t FYM plot was consistently higher than that of 5 t FYM plot. It was 8.0 consistently for 24 weeks after planting and then lowered to 7.0. In the soil received 5 t FYM, soil pH was consisted about 7.0 by 16 weeks after planting and then lowered to about 5.0. Initial high conductivity value (3.0 mmho) due to FYM application decreased rapidly to 2.0 mmho after 16 weeks of planting in soils received 50 t FYM.<BR>3) Most of the salts in FYM are soluble. In soils received 50 t FYM, potassium extracted by N-ammonium acetate (exchangeable) was measured to 25 me per 100 g soil in initial growing stage. The value measured was the sum of exchangeable and watersoluble potassium. The high concentration of exchangeable potassium in initial stage decreased rapidly to 10 me after 16 weeks of planting and gradually to 5 me after 32 weeks of planting. The decrease of potassium concentration in the soils was due to uptake by tomato plants and leaching.<BR>4) High concentration of calcium extracted by N-ammonium acetate was observed in the soils received 50 t FYM. It seemed to be derived from exchangeable calcium, water soluble calcium, and some other compounds such as calcium carbonate dissolved by N-ammonium acetate.<BR>5) In general, soils received excess FYM accumulates a large quantity of salts. However, excess salts were not accumulated in this green-house cultivation because of drainage system lain vinyle sheets at the bottoms of the rows. Draining water probably promoted the leaking of salts. Consequently, damages by excess salts for tomato crop were not observed in this experiment.


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    • JaLC
    • Crossref
    • CiNii Articles
  • 抄録ライセンスフラグ

