

  • On Innervation, Especially, Sensory Innervation of Human Female Outer Genitals in the Latter Stage of Fetal Life


A common epithelium is found between the glans clitoridis and the inner plate of praeputium clitoridis in human fetus of the latter stage, Their separation seems to be completed after birth. The outer plate of the praeputium is provided with hair follicles only in its radical part. Venous plexus and papillae are formed in the inner but not in the outer plate. Between the two plates of the praeputium blood vessels and branch bundles from the n. dorsalis clitoridis are found running.<br>The frenulum clitoridis is lined by a 7-8 rowed uncornified stratified flat epithelium, an extention from the common apithelium above. The papillar formation into the epithelium from the propria is poor, but venous plexus in the propria is rather conspicuously developed.<br>In the labium minus in late fetal stage, the inner plate is covered by a flat epithelium similar to but thinner than that of the vertibulum vaginae, and in its basal layer is found a pigmentation more marked than that in the vertibulum vaginas. The epithelium of the outer plate is thinner than that of the inner plate but is pigmented as darkly. In the propria of both the plates blood vessels, especially, venous plexus are in good development and papillae are also in powerful formation. Only the sebaceous glands without hair follicles are as yet very poorly developed, a small number of them being found in the outer plate alone.<br>The labium majus is lined by a common haired skin, of which the cornified epidermis is very thin and no papillae are formed subepidermally. The sebaceous glands around the hair follicles are yet not fully developed and the subcutaneous fat tissue is formed very poor.<br>PACINIan bodies may be found often in the praeputium clitoridis as in the clitoris, mostly between the inner and the outer plates of the basal part of the praeputium. These are of small-sized type, have only a small number of lamellae and contain cell nuclei of infantile type and solitary sensory fibres ending always unbranched.<br>Sensory fibres from the n. dorsalis clitoridis are seen distributed both in the inner and the outer plates of the praeputium clitoridis, but no such genital nerve bodies or complex branched terminations as found in the counterparts of adults are yet formed, the fibres always ending subepithelially in unbranched or simple branched terminations much smaller in number than in adults, In the outer plate no sensory fibres ending in the epiermis are found, but in the inner plate there are found numerous peculiar intraepithelial fibres in the common epithelium covering the inner plate and the glans clitoridis.<br>A small number of sensory fibres are found running into the frenulum clitordis. Most of them are comparatively evenly distributed and form branched terminations subepithelially. Neither intraepithelial fibres nor PACINIan bodies are demonstrable here.<br>The sensory fibres supplied to the minor lips are derived from the n. dorsalis clitoridis, sending out branch fibres into the vestibulum and orificium vaginae. In agreement with the results of study by IKUI on the counterpart of adults, no sensory fibres were found running into the vagina proper in the late fetal too, but in its orifice and vestibule unbranched and simple branched terminations are frequently found.<br>In the fetal labium minus, somewhat different from that in adults, the distribution of sensory fibres is ampler in the outer than in the inner plate, so that the sensory terminations in the inner plate probably are fortified in development after birth. The sensory terminations here are limited to unbranched and simple branched types, no corpuscular or complex plexus-like terminations being yet formed. These simple terminations are found mainly outside and rarely within the papillae, unlike in adults.<br>As the major lip is covered by haired skin, the sensory innervation here is quite different from that in the minor lip.



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