


  • The Yoshida Letter of December 1951 and Taiwan


The letter to John F. Dulles from the Japanese Prime Minister Yoshida Shigeru on December 24th, 1951 is an important document of Japan's policy towards China after World War II. It has been regarded as Dulles's composition by existing research. But, in historical documents of the government of Taiwan, this writer found that when Yoshida Letter was being drafted, the government played an important role, especially in stating the keywords in the letter: “be applicable in all territories which are now, or which may hereafter be under the control of Government of the Republic of China”. And this writer proved that the important decision that includes these keywords was made not by Dulles but by the government of Taiwan under unavoidable conditions as a result of prior consultation between the United States and Taiwan.<br>During the period of conclusion of the San Francisco Treaty, the government of Taiwan gave up the rights to make claims for reparations for Taiwan in order that the United States would support to join the treaty. However, because of the opposition by Britain and the other countries, Taiwan was forbidden to join the treaty. By considering global strategy, and furthermore to isolate China who had been fighting in Korea, the United States required Japan to settle the dispute with Taiwan and conclude the Japan-Taiwan Treaty. At that time, the United States persuaded Taiwan to yield on the problem of the treaty so that it was not applicable to mainland China and to propose a detailed scheme of it.<br>Although Taiwan was persistent with her sovereing power over mainland China for a while, she had to propose a detailed applicable scheme of the Japan-Taiwan Treaty to the United States because of the pressure from the United States and the necessity of early conclusion of the peace treaty with Japan. The United States, on the other hand, was required by Taiwan to show the evidence that Japan would positively conclude a peace treaty with Taiwan.<br>The word of application in the draft of Yoshida Letter which was presented afterwards by Dulles during a talk between Dulles and Yashida came from the very scheme of the government of Taiwan. The Yoshida Letter can be regarded as a result of the prior agreement between the United States and the government of Taiwan and as evidence raised by the United States to Taiwan that Japan would really conclude a peace treaty with Taiwan. The procedure of the negotiation concerning the Japan-Taiwan Treaty has also proved that the word of application came from the government of Taiwan.<br>This article base on positivism proves the relationship between Taiwan and Yoshida Letter, which was an important document in Japan's China policy. The elucidation that Taiwan had played an important role in the procedure to draft the Yoshida Letter has practical significance to understand Japan-China relations during the early period after World War II, the relationship between the procedure of the United States's policy planning towards Japan and the government of Taiwan and the triangular relations among China, Japan and the United States.


  • 国際政治

    国際政治 1995 (110), 175-188,L16, 1995-10-21

    一般財団法人 日本国際政治学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

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  • データソース種別
    • JaLC
    • CiNii Articles
  • 抄録ライセンスフラグ

