Two Cases of Obstructive Colon Cancer Treated with Laparoscopic Surgery After Decompression with an emergency colostomy


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  • 閉塞性大腸癌に対し人工肛門造設術後に,腹腔鏡下根治術を施行した2例

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Cases of obstructive colorectal cancer often require immediate colon decompression techniques before radical surgery for cancer. In our hospital, two cases of obstructive colon cancer were treated with laparoscopic surgery after decompression with an emergency colostomy. In these two cases, selection for the stoma site of the colostomy was very important when performing the subsequent radical surgery using laparoscopy. To date, such case reports have been very rare in the literature, therefore, a detailed analysis with many cases is required to find the efficacy of laparoscopic surgery after decompression with a colostomy for obstructive colon cancer.


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