Early detection and response for measles and rubella cases through the (Nursery) School Absenteeism Surveillance System in Ibaraki Prefecture

    Planning information Section (Infectious Disease Surveillance Center), Ibaraki Prpefectural Institute of Public Health
  • KURITA Junko
    Department of Health and Social Services, Ibaraki Prefectural Office Infectious Disease Surveillance Center, National Institute of Infectious Diseases
  • TAKAGI Takeshi
    Planning information Section (Infectious Disease Surveillance Center), Ibaraki Prpefectural Institute of Public Health
  • NAGATA Noriko
    Virology section, Ibaraki Prefectural Institute of Public Health
  • NAGASU Natsuki
    Department of Health and Social Services, Ibaraki Prefectural Office
  • SUGAWARA Tamie
    Infectious Disease Surveillance Center, National Institute of Infectious Diseases
  • OHKUSA Yasushi
    Infectious Disease Surveillance Center, National Institute of Infectious Diseases

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  • 学校欠席者情報収集システムを活用した麻しんおよび風しん早期探知・早期対応
  • ガッコウ ケッセキシャ ジョウホウ シュウシュウ システム オ カツヨウ シタ マシン オヨビ フウシン ソウキ タンチ ・ ソウキ タイオウ

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Objectives In Ibaraki Prefecture, all (nursery) schools have joined the (Nursery) School Absenteeism Surveillance System (hereafter denoted as (N)SASSy), which is operated by the Japan School Health Association to monitor the prevalence of infectious diseases, the early detection and response for outbreaks, and prevention of large outbreaks. Prefectural government officers also utilize it as a control measure for infectious diseases. In particular, when cases of measles or rubella are registered, (N)SASSy sends e-mails automatically to prefectural government officers to activate control measures. This paper summarizes administrative responses by prefectural government officers for measles or rubella cases using (N)SASSy and discusses the future challenges.<br/>Methods We summarized registration, detection, and first response data for measles or rubella cases in (N)SASSy and compared the number of detected and reported cases enforced by the Infectious Diseases Control Law from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2014.<br/>Results The public health center questioned hospitals/clinics and (nursery) schools about all registered measles or rubella cases in (N)SASSy on the same day to check the entered information. In the past 2 years, there were 5 measles and 56 rubella cases in 2013 and 1 measles and 19 rubella cases in 2014 registered with (N)SASSy. All cases were checked and investigated by the public health center. Of all cases detected by (N)SASSy, 7 rubella cases in 2013 and 1 rubella case in 2014 were reported based on the law. No measles cases were reported in the 2 years. The results of investigations and laboratory tests were given as feedback to the (nursery) schools. If the case did not case definition determined by the law, we changed the status in (N)SASSy to suspected or discarded cases.<br/>Conclusion Since (N)SASSy assists prefectural government officers with earlier detection of and response for infectious diseases, it definitely contributes to infection control. Immediate feedback of the laboratory test results to the (nursery) schools was also useful to confirm cases of measles or rubella. As data entry in (nursery) schools is needed for stable operation and utilization of (N)SASSy, it is important that workshops for (N)SASSy are held for (nursery) school teachers every year to maintain accuracy. Our future challenges include the coordination among (nursery) schools, hospitals/clinics, and prefectural government and their applications for infection control.


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