Chironomid fauna in Tsunami disaster areas of the Great East Japan Earthquake —Focus on the suburban Sendai area in Miyagi Prefecture and Minami-Souma area in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan in 2013

  • Hirabayashi Kimio
    Division of Applied Biology, Institute of Textile Science and Technology, Academic Assembly, Shinshu University Institute of Mountain Science, Interdisciplinary Cluster for Cutting Edge Research, Shinshu University
  • Tsuda Yoshio
    Department of Medial Entomology, National Institute of Infectious Diseases
  • Takamura Kenzi
    Center for Environmental Biology and Ecosystem Studies, National Institute of Environmental Department of 
Medial Entomology, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan
  • Kondo Natsuko
    Center for Environmental Biology and Ecosystem Studies, National Institute of Environmental Department of 
Medial Entomology, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan
  • Ueno Ryuhei
    Center for Environmental Biology and Ecosystem Studies, National Institute of Environmental Department of 
Medial Entomology, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan

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Other Title
  • 東日本大震災の津波被災地域から発生するユスリカ類
  • 東日本大震災の津波被災地域から発生するユスリカ類 : 2013年における宮城県仙台空港周辺地域,ならびに福島県南相馬地域に焦点をあてて
  • ヒガシニホン ダイシンサイ ノ ツナミ ヒサイ チイキ カラ ハッセイ スル ユスリカルイ : 2013ネン ニ オケル ミヤギケン センダイ クウコウ シュウヘン チイキ,ナラビニ フクシマ ケンナン ソウマ チイキ ニ ショウテン オ アテテ
  • 2013年における宮城県仙台空港周辺地域,ならびに福島県南相馬地域に焦点をあてて

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The aftereffects of the Tsunami on the chironomid fauna were studied in the suburban Sendai area in Miyagi Prefecture and Minami-Souma area in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan during June 4–6 in 2013. A total of 31 individuals of 7 species were collected at 13 sampling stations. At the suburban Sendai area, we could mainly collect the larvae of Chironomus biwaprimus in small swamps. Moreover, Pseudosmittia sp. which is semi-terrestrial species, and Polypedilum nubifer were also collected there. The larvae of Chironomus salinarius inhabit halophytic swamps or small water bodies formed in grassy areas affected by the seawater in both investigated areas. Almost all chironomid species larvae collected in this study were preferred sandy mud conditions. Especially, C. salinarius may be regarded of a wide range of saline conditions. C. salinarius larval brackish and sandy mud habitat had expanded in that area two year after the Tsunami.



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