トマト栽培残渣の嫌気性消化におけるメタン生成および 2 つのモデルの検証

  • 遠藤 良輔
    大阪府立大学大学院生命環境科学研究科 緑地環境科学専攻
  • 福嶋 志隆
    大阪府立大学大学院生命環境科学研究科 緑地環境科学専攻


  • Generation of Methane through Anaerobic Digestion of Plant Residues in Tomato Production and Verification of Two Kinetic Models for This Process
  • トマト サイバイザンサ ノ ケンキセイ ショウカ ニ オケル メタン セイセイ オヨビ 2ツ ノ モデル ノ ケンショウ



<p>  Batch anaerobic digestion (AD) of residual stems, fruits and leaves of tomato plants was carried out to assess potential methane (CH4) gas recovery from plant residues in tomato hydroponics. The cumulative CH4 gas yielded from the substrates for fifty days was around 300 mL CH4 g VS-1, which value is comparable to that from other substrates in practical use, indicating that the energy recovery from tomato residues through batch AD is feasible. Two different kinetic AD models for the generation of CH4 gas from tomato residues were compared and verified to characterize AD of each substrate and obtain knowledge about stable operation of a scaled-up AD plant. The result shows that a 2-pool, 2-step model is superior to a first-order kinetic model in better data fitting and more process information throughout the experimental period.</p>




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