移動型スキャニングライダーによる樹高測定に必要な移動距離の算出および地上および高所からの 3 次元画像の位置合わせによる樹高測定


  • Calculation of Moving Distance when Measuring Tree Height Using Portable Scanning Lidar and Tree Height Measurement by Using Registration of Images Obtained on the Ground and High Places
  • イドウガタ スキャニングライダー ニ ヨル ジュ コウソクテイ ニ ヒツヨウ ナ イドウ キョリ ノ サンシュツ オヨビ チジョウ オヨビ コウショ カラ ノ 3ジゲン ガゾウ ノ イチ アワセ ニ ヨル ジュ コウソクテイ



     Recently, portable scanning lidars have started to be used for three-dimensional measurement of plants. A 3D scanning lidar is a laser scanner which emits laser beam in all directions and obtains the three-dimensional image around the scanner. However, the way to calculate the moving distance of lidar in order to capture the top canopy of the target trees has not been reported yet. In this study, the distance for tree height measurement was calculated and the values were validated by estimating the tree height in accordance with the calculated distance. Additionally, in case the top part of target trees cannot be captured due to the limitation of moving area, the images taken on the ground and from a high place were registrated and it was confirmed that the height of trees can be estimated by lidar by using the registration.




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