A survey of taxi drivers’ attitudes about changes in their physical conditions while driving

  • BABA Mineko
    Center of Integrated Medical Research, Keio University, School of Medicine
  • HITOSUGI Masahito
    Department of Legal Medicine, Shiga University of Medical Science
  • AISO Sadakazu
    Department of Anatomy, Keio University, School of Medicine

Bibliographic Information

Other Title
  • タクシー運転者の健康管理と体調変化に関する意識調査
  • 健康起因事故を予防するために
  • The prevention of motor vehicle collisions


This study examined the attitudes of taxi drivers about changes in their physical conditions while driving. A questionnaire survey about driving and health was administered to 31 drivers who were qualified operation managers and 102 drivers working for one of the largest taxi companies in a certain prefecture. It asked about presence of chronic diseases, incidents of experiencing poor physical condition, and other relevant variables. The responses of the operation managers and drivers were compared. Furthermore, we examined the preventive measures taken to avoid traffic accidents due to changes in a driver’s physical condition. All the operation managers were men. The average age was 50.3±6.2 years, and the average amount of driving experience was 24.0±9.4 years. The drivers included 99 men and 3 women. The average age was 57.3±8.3 years, and the average amount of driving experience was 12.2±9.5 years. The average age of the managers was lower than that of the drivers(p<0.001). In addition, the managers had more driving experience compared to the drivers (p<0.001). The majority of the operation managers and drivers took breaks at regular intervals. The operation managers drove on average 1.7± 0.6 h before taking a break, while the drivers drove for 3.0±1.8 h. The former was significantly more likely to take regular breaks (p<0.001). Furthermore, the operation managers had significantly more knowledge about sleep apnea syndrome compared to the drivers (p<0.001). Such collisions caused by a change in the physical condition of the driver can be prevented by adequate health care and taking appropriate measures during emergencies. The drivers should pay attention to any changes in their own health. Effective prevention should also be implemented; operation managers should inform and educate drivers thoroughly, and share relevant information. The taxi industry confronted with serious economic difficulties. So Administrative support would be required, too by arranging the provision financial support.


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    • CiNii Articles
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