A Study on Names and Spaces of the Kangxi 36 and Qianlong 36 Scenic Spots in the Chengde Summer Resort of China

  • GAO Ruofei
    Graduate School of Horticulture, Chiba University
  • GENG Xin
    Graduate School of Horticulture, Chiba University
  • ZHANG Junhua
    Graduate School of Horticulture, Chiba University


This article attempts to ascertain the relationship between names and spaces of the Kangxi 36 and Qianlong 36 scenic spots in the Chengde Summer Resort of China. Through document research and fieldwork, the study deciphered and analyzed the connotations, ways of naming, expression contents, and elements of names and spaces of these scenic spots. It was found that the names of the 72 scenic spots mainly describe the natural scenery and buildings in the resort and reflect the aesthetic, ethical, and political thinking of Emperors Kangxi and Qianlong. This study defines the close relationship between the names and spaces of the scenic spots, and shows that an understanding of their relations is essential to renovation, protection and reconstruction of the Summer Resort.


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