[MEASURE] 4. <i>In vitro</i> detection of transformed cells - Preliminary studies of Digital soft agar colony formation assay -



<p>[Introduction] The differentiated cells derived from pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) have potentials to transform to malignant cells, and thus, the establishment of validated assays to detect these cells in cell therapy products (CTPs) is of importance for minimizing the risk of PSCs-based tumorigenicity. The soft agar colony formation (SACF) assay can detect transformed cells which show anchorage-independent cell growth. However, its sensitivity is not sufficient for quality control assessment of CTPs. The Digital SACF assay using an image analyzer has high sensitivity, but has not been generally used yet. Therefore, it was selected as the assay for validation in MEASURE.</p><p>[Assay protocol] The malignant cells are spiked into normal cells (mimic the final product including malignant cells, e.g, HeLa/hMSC suspension), and cell suspension is mixed with medium and agar, and then placed on the bottom agar layer. After about 4-5 weeks of culture, dual fluorescence stained colonies are detected using image analyzers.</p><p>[Progress] Preliminary experiments were conducted to evaluate efficiency of single cell-derived colony formation from a HeLa cell in soft agar culture with or without hMSCs in order to identify potential variation that affects the study results. The colony formation rates in HeLa/hMSCs tended to vary as compare with those of HeLa only. Next, the preliminary study, which intends to detect a HeLa cell spiked to 106 hMSCs, is being conducted.</p><p>[Future plan] The main study at the multiple facilities will be planned to evaluate the detection sensitivity and its reproducibility.</p>


詳細情報 詳細情報について

  • CRID
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  • データソース種別
    • JaLC
    • CiNii Articles
  • 抄録ライセンスフラグ

