Changes in soft tissue structures around the lips associated with sagittal split ramus osteotomy in skeletal Class Ⅲfemale patients



  • Differences in mandibular plane angle



<p>We analyzed the craniofacial morphology in 25 skeletal Class Ⅲfemale patients with sagittal split ramus osteotomy (1) before the initial orthodontic treatment, (2) after the in­itial orthodontic treatment and before the operation, and (3) after completion of all teat­ment. We examined the relationship of hard and soft tissue changes with differences in mandibular plane angle. In particular, we focused on lip soft tissue changes. We classi­fied the patients based on FMA of 30 degrees or less (L group) and of 34 degrees or more (H group). Arnett analysis showed a significant change in upper lip thickness, lower lip thickness, and upper lip height between the two groups. The mandibular plane af­fected the contact relationship between the upper and lower lips, and the muscles around the lips, resulting in changes in the lip soft tissues. In planning surgical ortho­dontic treatment, we should take into consideration how the soft tissues will change de­pending on the mandibular plane angle. (J Osaka Dent Univ 2018; 52: 107-­122)</p><p></p>


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