Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Training in Graduate Programs: Survey on Establishing Japanese CBT Training Guidelines

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  • 臨床心理士養成大学院におけるCBTトレーニングの基本構成要素と教育方法—日本のトレーニング・ガイドラインの策定に向けた実態調査—
  • 臨床心理士養成大学院におけるCBTトレーニングの基本構成要素と教育方法 : 日本のトレーニング・ガイドラインの策定に向けた実態調査
  • リンショウ シンリシ ヨウセイ ダイガクイン ニ オケル CBT トレーニング ノ キホン コウセイ ヨウソ ト キョウイク ホウホウ : ニホン ノ トレーニング ・ ガイドライン ノ サクテイ ニ ムケタ ジッタイ チョウサ

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<p>The purpose of this study was to investigate the current status of the basic components and training methods of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) in Japan. The participants in this study were 74 university faculty specializing in CBT and affiliated with certified master’s degree courses in clinical psychology graduate program training institutions in Japan. They were asked to complete a questionnaire regarding the components and methods of CBT training, and to provide a free description of educational components. The results indicated that the basic constituent elements of CBT were generally insufficiently covered. In particular, while basic education on CBT theory and techniques is relatively thorough, practical education and training seems to be lacking. In addition, the amount of instruction on these components varies widely among faculty members, showing a tendency for education to depend on the discretion of each faculty member. Finally, since it is thought that a number of constituent elements have become newly necessary for CBT training in the Japanese context, it is necessary to develop CBT training guidelines specific to Japan.</p>


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